
True Measure of Success

  Success is not measured by what you accomplish, but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds. As long as you are struggling, you are succeeding. Never quit. "Whatever the struggle, continue the climb. It may be only one step to the summit."        —  Diane Westlake "Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."       –Thomas Edison One of the greatest factors in your #success will be developing an #endurance mindset.  The most remarkable trait I have found in successful people is that they have conquered the temptation to give up.  Behind every successful person, there are a lot of unsuccessful years. Step by step, take yourself to the top. It's possible. Keep moving.  You will be fine. 🐾

Don't Force That Connection

Don't try to force connections. If someone doesn't see the value in having you by their side, don't waste your energy trying to convince them. Forcing connections is forcing attachments. What's meant for you will feel natural and vibe with you?  If someone doesn't value your presence, let them value your absence. While trying to make new connections, don't forget your existing connections.  They're the people who are still supporting you and are present by your side.  Be grateful for the people you already have in your life.  Then go create new connections. Don't force someone to make time for you. If they want to, they will. Never beg people to stay against their will. Sometimes the gift of goodbye opens another door for you. Move on, and create the next chapter of your life. Be yourself.  Be natural.  You will be fine. 💌

What Do You Want?

  Know exactly what you want and focus on working on becoming the person who can attract that into your life.  Your personality is not set in stone. You can change at any moment. You can be better and you can attract better.  Improve yourself and become your better version. Keep growing and getting better, but also embrace yourself and who you are at this moment.  Growth is not linear and it requires self-love and self-acceptance. This is your brand.  The sun doesn't ask for anyone's approval to shine. Your light doesn't need approval to shine either. If it makes someone uncomfortable, it's their shadows, not yours. Keep shinning. Be you. 💝

Moving on and Letting go.

  Open yourself up for new possibilities and adventures. It is the perfect time to let go of the old that is no longer serving you and allow for the new to enter.   Sometimes we have to give up the old to move forward. Things that weigh you down are not going to help you become better. Allow new beginnings to happen. Let go of what's holding you back. Flow and let life unfold. Don't resist the change. What has happened has happened? You can't change it. The new is about to start.  Never regret anything in life. Everything happens for a reason and every season serves its purpose...even your biggest disappointments, failures, and downfalls. Tough times are nothing but a blessing in disguise.  Stay positive, learn, move on, let go and flow. You will be fine. 💝

Life is a challenge...

  Life is an uncertain roller coaster.  You can choose to embrace it and enjoy the ride, joyfully learning from your experiences along the way; or you can choose to rebel against all of life’s challenges, resenting every moment of your journey.  The latter robs you of any growth or development, while the former allows you to learn from those challenges and become a better person for having experienced them. While “better” may be relative, one thing is certain – “better” means improved. No matter where you find yourself, there is always room for improvement. Even a monk strives daily to improve himself, striving always to become a better person. Challenges in life are given, and they can be used to your advantage.  Each one is an opportunity for personal growth and self-improvement.  Ultimately, the goal is to use what you learn as you grow to become the best version of yourself. You will be fine. 

You will Overcome.

  You will overcome everything that is making you question yourself.  Your hardships won't last forever. You will rise stronger than you ever were before. Stay in your power, your time is coming.  Everything will happen the way it has to happen. Everything you are stressing about will eventually fall into place.  And you will be able to see that you're guided and protected. There is nothing to worry about. Just be present and be the best you can be.  Trust divine timing. Even if it's hard to see the bigger picture, believe that everything you are experiencing right now is for your highest good. Allow time and space for everything to unfold exactly how it should.  You will be fine. 

Hey Sweetheart, Lift your head.

  Without exaggerating, 90% of people walk around the world their whole lives: embarrassed, insecure, cautious, shy, timid... They think they lack something- that they're not worth quite as much as other people.  The truth is that you are just as valuable as every other human on this planet. Your value is your self-worth. No one can take it away from you and no one can give it to you. You get to decide who you are .  You are fearfully and wonderfully made, You are uniquely unique. You have the power to change ANYTHING. You are worthy of whoever you chose to be. You have untapped abilities. You need nothing to be happy. Yes! What others think of you is irrelevant. Sweetheart, lift your head and walk in your grace. 💝💝💖 You will be fine. 

No More....I can't bear it.

  No more.....I can't bear it anymore. That's how we feel at certain stages in our lives.  Do you feel you've had enough? Do you think all is lost? Not yet. You will overcome everything that is making you question yourself.  Your hardships won't last forever. You will rise stronger than you ever were before. Stay in your power, your time is coming. Everything will happen the way it has to happen.  Everything you are stressing about will eventually fall into place. And you will be able to see that you're guided and protected.  There is nothing to worry about. Just be present and be the best you can be.  Trust divine timing.  Even if it's hard to see the bigger picture, believe that everything you are experiencing right now is for your highest good. Allow time and space for everything to unfold exactly how it should.  You will be fine.  Yes.

Believe in Yourself

  Believe in Yourself. Believe in yourself. Believe in your power to create something out of the ordinary.  You have the power to transcend current personal and collective limitations; but it all comes down to unconditional unshakeable self-belief.  You don't need to have all the answers. You don't need to have it all together.  Believe that your breakthrough is coming. Focus on the positive side. Don't fall for where you are now. It's not your final destination. Don't judge yourself. Embrace yourself and be you unapologetically.  # BelieveInYourself # YouWillBeFine


  Power of the heart FOLLOW YOUR HEART This year instead of setting practical, monetary, and professional goals, why not decide to make goals to follow your heart. In the past years, you have been trying to prove yourself to the world, to your boss, to your customers, now it's time to focus on proving that you are good enough and content enough to yourself: it's time to follow your heart.  When you follow your heart, you cease having regrets. Things may not go your way but you would have tried. You will learn to trust your instincts and know that if you listen, your heart will guide you in the right direction.  When you follow your heart, you get to know who you are and what matters to you.  When you follow your heart, you get to know who you are and what matters to you.  hen you follow your heart, you get to know who you are and what matters to you. If you listen to our hearts, you may be surprised that you can find a way to make your heart desire come to fruit...